Top10 poisonous snakes in the world

Inland Taipan The Inland Taipan, also known as the Fierce Snake, is considered to be the most venomous snake in the world. This snake can be found in Australia and has a venom that is capable of killing a human within just 45 minutes.
Eastern Brown Snake The Eastern Brown Snake is found in Australia, Papua New Guinea, and Indonesia. It is considered to be the second most venomous snake in the world, with a venom that is highly potent and can cause paralysis and respiratory failure.
Black Mamba The Black Mamba is found in Africa and is known for its highly toxic venom. It is one of the fastest and deadliest snakes in the world, with a venom that can cause respiratory failure and death within a matter of hours.
Taipan The Taipan is found in Australia and Papua New Guinea. It is highly venomous and has a venom that is capable of causing paralysis and cardiac arrest in humans.
Tiger Snake The Tiger Snake is found in Australia and is highly venomous. Its venom can cause paralysis, muscle damage, and kidney failure in humans.
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